DCU's Networking Society. Become a Member.

Redbrick was formed from a battered 386 PC (dubbed Nurse) and bits of borrowed memory - these days we spend our time running tech events for our members and deploying services. We’re open to everyone, regardless of computing level, who want to come and learn!

Baxter, Browner and Magma Distro Bopping SISTEM SISTEM crew Mail Broke Discord emote Redbrick logo

Meet the Committee!

🪑 Chair

Jake Farrell

Jake Farrell

🪑 Vice-Chair

Ishita Gupta

Ishita Gupta

💌 Secretary

Daniel Mc Entee

Daniel Mc Entee

💸 Treasurer

Malavika Shanker

Malavika Shanker


Philip Leonard

Philip Leonard


Georgijs Pitkevics

Georgijs Pitkevics

🚀 SysAdmin

Dominic Connor

Dominic Connor

🚀 SysAdmin

Ayden Jahola

Ayden Jahola

🚀 SysAdmin

Gavin Holahan

Gavin Holahan

👾 Webmaster

Jonathan Groult

Jonathan Groult

🙌 Helpdesk

Pavel Ivanov

Pavel Ivanov

🙌 Helpdesk

Konstantin O'Donnell

Konstantin O'Donnell

📅 Events Officer

Shane Whelan

Shane Whelan

📅 Events Officer

Edvard Tome

Edvard Tome

💎 Ordinary Member

Claudia Gray

Claudia Gray

💎 Ordinary Member

Henri Simmons-Hayden

Henri Simmons-Hayden

🥇 First Year Rep.



About Us

“What is Redbrick?” - this is the age-old query which has plagued the DCU Networking Society for years. Redbrick is such a diverse society that a million monkeys working on a million typewriters for a million years might reproduce the works of Shakespeare, but they’ll never come up with a concise explanation as to what Redbrick is.

Simply put, Redbrick is a rather big social society with a slant on computers and technology. We host a plethora of techy events designed to entertain and educate anyone and everyone, including cinema trips, pub nights and tutorials and workshops on programming, web design and graphic design. Expect to see the return of the annual RedBrick Freshers’ Ball (booze! booze! booze!) and the table quiz; last year, the quiz saw members having prizes practically thrown at them, with Sega Mega Drives, portable hard drives, Lucky Charms cereal and plenty of spot prizes being won. We also raffled off a brand new Eee PC laptop.

At the start of 2009, over twenty Brickies went to Finland - birthplace of the Linux kernel - to mess about in massive technology museums, employ stealth and cunning in a battle to snow each other into our cabins and feast on reindeer and mead in a Viking restaurant (all while being quite drunk).

Redbrick isn’t just about events though; we are lucky enough to own our own servers on which we host the services used daily by our members: IRC (Internet Relay Chat - our most popular service, as it’s great for putting off assignments until the last minute, waffling about whatever’s on your mind and meeting new people),webspace (host your own website with massive amounts of storage space), forums/message boards, the photo gallery and your own @redbrick.dcu.ie e-mail address. We also have our own wiki site, where all members can create/edit/vandalise pages on whatever you feel like. You can access all of these services from any computer connected to the Internet.

Networking societies are to be found all over the country, and Redbrick - as part of the Intersocs network - is often found mingling with other nerds from Trinity, DIT, NUI Maynooth and University of Limerick, both at Intersocs events and in the IRC channel.

So, if you want to make new friends, talk about anything that’s on your mind, or just get twisted because you have nothing better to do with your time, RedBrick has something to offer you!

Redbrick logo


Redbrick hosts a variety of events throughout the year, from LAN parties to workshops and talks...

Baxter, Browner and Magma SISTEM crew SISTEM Mail Broke

Don't Miss Out

Redbrick hosts events for everything tech related - from computer programming tutorials to workshops with multinational tech companies.
